Impact of Job Stress on employees in organizations

Impact of Job Stress on employees in organizations

What is job stress

Occupational stress can be defined as the “harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the worker” (Sauter and Murphy. 1999).

 Stress in organizations

Work place pressure is growing day by day, people face changing economic and business situations, changing customer expectations and changing expectations from their own role and position in the organization (Moten, 2009). Nearly everyone agrees that job stress results from the interaction of the worker and the conditions of work.

Effects of stress in an organization

·        Poor Time Management

·        Strained Interactions and Relationships

·        Lack of Focus

·        Effect on Health

·        Role ambiguity

·        Work overload


Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of  thoughts, emotions,  schedule, environment, and the way to deal with problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun – plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.

Stress management strategies

·        Avoid unnecessary stress

·        Alter the situation

·        Adapt to the stressor

·         Adopt a healthy lifestyle

·        Accept the things you can’t change

·        Make time for fun and relaxation


Stress management in banking sector

Currently Bankers are under a great transaction of stress and due to many backgrounds of stress such as excess, role doubt, role conflict, concern for people, contribution, lack of feedback, possession up with rapid technological change. The thing which find out is stress. Job stress is a common issue for bank employees. The job stress negatively effects the job performances and shows that job stress significantly reduces the performance of an individual.



When employees are empowered, they take the control over their work which gives them a higher sense of accomplishment. Stress at a greater level is harmful and has a negative effect on performance of employees over the long term as it wears down an individual and his or her energy resources. High levels of stress can cause, low morale at work, fatigue, late comings, absenteeism and trouble in getting along with other team members or co-workers.



 Hamlett , C.  (2019) : How Stress Affects Your Work Performance

Impact of Job Stress on Employee Performance

Stress Management: How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with StressLawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, MA, Robert Segal, MA, H( (2011)

Ehsan, M. and Ali, K. (2019) :Impact of work stress on employee productivity


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have chosen a topical area to dicuss with. Thid is a good article. Occupational stress affect many aspects of employee's work life as well as personal life. I agree with you shantha . Stress cause to fatigue, losen morale, low performance , absenteeism as well as turnover.

    The other thing stress cause is employees tend to involve in conflicts and spreading bad image within society about organization as employee is dissatisfied with the job.

    There are some other ways according to my knowledge that can help employees to minimize stress in banking sector. They are
    - giving training about stress management
    - allow employees to build up good relationship with subordinates (as they can talk about difficulties they talk than stick into themselves )
    - managers can have good relationship with employees that they can identify easily about change of an employee
    - arrange some programs to show off employees artistic capabilities .

  3. You have discuss very important topic for us. Job stress directly effected for performance.
    Long working hours, Heavy work load, Tight dedlines, job iinsecurity, boring work will be another reasons for stress.
    It is so difficulty to identify the job stress.
    but this can be identify through their behavioral patterns.
    if your woker have following behavioral symptoms include An increase In sick days, Mood swing, irritablity, Diminished creativity, drop in work performance, lower tolerance, frustration and impatience, Isolation and Aggression pay more attention on them.
    Very important topic Shantha.


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