Training and Development

Training and Development

Employee training and development implies a program in which specific knowledge, skills and abilities are imparted to the employees, with the aim of raising their performance level, in their existing roles, as well as providing them learning opportunities, to further their growth.It is important to increase the productivity and enhance employee motivation, to Improve the morale and corporate image, to improve quality and safety.
Importance of Training and development

 process of Organizational Development  
 (From the Organizational Development Network website).

Relation between Training and Development

Training is meant for operatives  while development is meant for executives.
Training is a   reactive process but development  is a pro- active process .The aim of development is to improve additional skills and training is to develop the total personality. Training is  short term and development is a continuous process .Training is to meet the present need of an employee while development is to meet the future need of an employee.

Advantages of training and development

1. Helps employees to develop new skills and increases their knowledge.
2. Improves efficiency,satisfaction  and productivity of the individuals as well as the teams.
3.  Increase innovation in new strategies and products.
4.Enhances company reputation and profile
In my working place, ABC Bank is nearly consisted with 10000 employees.It is believed that providing opportunity to develop their talents and capabilities to the maximum  can fulfill their career aspirations.The Bank therefore has a systematic process of ascertaining training needs and planning training. Also if new regulatory changes or any new development takes place in the industry , applicable staff are always nominated to relevant training by their supervisors to upgrade their knowledge. At first  Evaluation is done on change orientation, result orientation, strategic planning, decision-making, leadership and professional conduct to identify the training needs and suggesting the career progression path for the next level leaders. At least three training programmes should be attended by an employee during the year.
 Activities to enhance the performance of the employees by improving their ability through learning ,by changing approach,sharpening skills,increasing knowledge ,can be considered as training and development.

Karim M.M. ,Choudhrey M. ,Latif W. B. (January 2019) The impact of training and development on employees Available from'_PERFORMANCE_AN_ANALYSIS_OF_QUANTITATIVE_DATA

Brown J.(November 2019) ,Employee training and  development (A to Z) Available from

UKEssays. November 2018. Training And Development In Workplace. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 April 2020].


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