Managing Human Resources in a Pandemic Situation

Managing Human Resources in a Pandemic Situation 



`          Whenever any widespread threat is presented, employers should take care to protect their human resources of the organization, preparing for the threat .H1N1, bird flu, and Ebola can be considered as the experiences and Covid 19 is affected among 80% of the world today.
    Up to now, most of the towns are locked down and people are asked to stay at home. However, some of the services are being considered as the essential services such as health and security forces .During this pandemic situation, the human resource of the organization should be handled properly and effectively. When considering such, following can be implemented by the organization.
1.Managing flexible work arrangements  
Implementing shifts or other alternative work schedules so that fewer employees are in the office at the same time.
2. Implementing Preventive Measures
 Tissues, masks, and hand sanitizers can be provided .employees can be educated on proper ways. 

3. Keeping employees healthy
Implementing quarantines for employees returning from high-risk area and social distancing measures among employees and customers.
4. Providing only essential services
 Business operations should be resumed as safely and quickly as practicable. 
5. Getting the support of the IT departments
·        videoconferencing, teleconferencing
·        free instant messaging services to enable employees to communicate with others
·         promote  digital services

 In my working place, ABC Bank has also been taken Additional steps to ensure the health and ongoing work of the employees Even though it is declared as  an essential service throughout the country the maximum service must  be provided to the customers. As most of the towns locked down, the service had to be provided to their doorstep. The” Branch on wheels” was considered as the best solution .The employees of my ABC bank, bearing the responsibility with their dedicated service, were the greatest supporters for the people.

Though facing challenges is much more difficult in pandemic situations for the organizations, by taking necessary immediate actions with effective human resource management an admirable service can be provided to the society for the betterment of the whole world.


                                                                                        by Shantha Wijesinghe


  1. this isa good article with timely topic and you have described about the actions taken by organizations in pandemic situations that I can agree with. Apart from that following actions also taken by my bank for the safeguard of employeees at pandemic situation.
    - providing transport
    - granting special leve to pregnant ladies and mothers who have enfants
    - alloe employees to wear casual
    - working time reduced

  2. author try to explain how to managing organization with present pandemic situation it is valuable topics take to the page and discuses


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