Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Work Place

Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Work    Place
Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand and manage   emotions. “The interest in emotional intelligence in the workplace stems from the widespread recognition that these abilities – self-awareness, self-management, empathy and social skill – separate the most successful workers and leaders from the average. This is especially true in roles like the professions and higher level executives, where everyone is about as smart as everyone else, and how people manage themselves and their relationships gives the best and edge.” (Goleman, 2012).

Main elements in emotional intelligence

 About understanding yourself: knowing   weaknesses, strengths, drivers, values, and impact on other people . This would look like self-confidence and a thirst for constructive criticism.
Self -regulation
  The ability to control and redirect disruptive impulses and moods. Think of trustworthiness, integrity, and comfort with change
The ability to self-motivate, with a focus on achieving internal or self-gratification as opposed to external praise or reward.

  Understanding other people’s   feelings, especially when making decisions.

Social skill
  Building a relationship with others to move them in desired directions.

With globalization, emotional intelligence is more significant than ever when teams are cross-cultural and global, increasing the complexity of interactions of emotions and how they are expressed. Essentially, emotional intelligence in the workplaces comes down to understanding, expressing and managing, good relationships and solving problems under pressure.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence in Management
Emotional intelligence is more effective and impactful when applied to leadership and management; a leader with high Emotional intelligence can:
1.     Communicate their vision more effectively.
2.     Improve their persuasion and inspirational speaking abilities.
3.     Ensure appropriate responses to stressful and confusing situations at work.
4.     Manage their own emotions and the emotions of their employees
All of these lead to a more efficient, effective, and productive workplace.
Importance of emotional intelligence in a work place
The value and benefits of emotional intelligence are vast in terms of personal and professional success.  Relationships in the workplace are affected by how we manage our own emotions and our understanding of the emotions of those around us. It is a core competency in many vocations, can support the advancement towards academic and professional success, improve relationships, and boost communication skills, the list goes on. Emotional intelligence encourages many positive traits, from resilience to communication, motivation to stress management.  The link between emotional intelligence and job performance is clear, with stress management positively impacting job commitment and satisfaction.It is closely related to personal and professional development,  impacts on more than how we manage our behavior and navigate social complexities, it also affects how we make decisions.The ability to identify, manage, and understand emotions help us communicate without resorting to confrontation. Finally  happiness contribute to our self-actualization and self-actualization.

Emotional intelligence in banking

In my working place, ABC Bank ,while working as a team by satisfying the various needs of the customers emotional intelligence acts a major role.It is important in understanding the needs of the employees ,to build up relationships in the team ,to enhance communicative ability, to handle conflicts and to motivate the team.


 Emotional intelligence is an integral part of forming and developing meaningful human relationships. Furthermore, a major role is played by emotional intelligence in an organization by improving interpersonal communication, achieving success in the workplace or social relationships, dealing with stress and improving motivation or refining decision-making skills in realizing success in both personal and professional life.

Houston, E. (2020) The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Courtney Courtney E. Ackerman, C. E.  (2020) How to Improve Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace :

 Allen , J. C. :Emotional Intelligence: The Emotional Intelligence Book – Emotional Intelligence at Work and Emotional Intelligence Leadership by John C. Allen (Amazon)

 Salavoy ,P. and  Mayer, J (2012) What is emotional intelligence :


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